A Shakerato is an Italian drink prepared using espresso and ice cubes. It is widespread and easily obtainable in Italy. The Shakerato is prepared by shaking a shot of espresso with ice cubes in a cocktail shaker and simple syrup. Once a frothy consistency has been obtained, it is strained into a glass. It is usually served in a martini glass. Sometimes, Baileys is added to give an alcoholic twist (Wikipedia, 2020). Shakerato by BelleTress is uber of self-expression and confidence. A BelleTress original, daring, provocative, messy, but somehow put-together look is the highlight of this fantastic and modern curl/wave pattern with just the right lengths of layers. Temple-to-temple lace front, wider partial mono, along with the lighter face-framing money-piece highlights around the face, make Shakerato even more special. Of course, the most luxurious HF fiber in the industry helps as well!Visit the page to view the full collection.
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